Adjust Watch Bands to Your Wrist
Not sure if the watch you're buying will fit your wrist and tired of scheduling visits to watch shops that never end up happening? Adjust your new TruWood watch yourself at home with an easy to use watch removal tool kit. Includes 3 spare pins.
Watch not included.
How to Adjust Your Watch Band:
1. Insert a pin into the adjuster screwhead if one is not already inside.
2. Spin the screwhead back to make room for the width of your watch band to fit.
3. Place your watch band as pictured in the photo above between the screw's pinhead and the edge of the tool.
4. IMPORTANT: Make sure the screw's pinhead is facing the correct side of the watch band. Please see the image above to confirm the direction of watch pin removal. Feel free to contact us if you are not certain, as you can damage your watch if the pin is removed on the wrong side!
5. Align the screw's pinhead with the pin hole on the watch and slowly start turning the screw so that it goes into the watch band.
6. Keep turnning the screw until you see the pinhead start pushing the watch pin out from the other end. Do not use excessive force, as that may be an indicator the pin is being removed the wrong way.
7. When the watch pin has been pushed out from the other end, you may use your fingers to pull it out.
8. Repeat for all links that need adjustment and push the watch pin(s) back into the band in the opposite direction that it was pushed out when the band size is satisfactory. Pushing the watch pin back in the wrong way may cause damage to your watch.
9. Use a small jeweler's hammer (or similar) to push the watch pin back all the way in so that it is flush with the watch band.